Training of speed types and its effect on some hormonal, enzymatic and functional variables and blood and physical measurements to improve the performance speed and achievement of the 400m freestyle race competitors

تدريبات أنواع السرعة وتأثيرها على بعض المتغيرات الهرمونية والأنزيمية والوظيفية والقياسات الدموية والبدنية لتحسين سرعة الاداء والإنجاز لمتسابقي 400 م حرة.


  • Prof. Dr.Emad Faraj Badrawi Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Hassan Hadi Lheims Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Prof.Dr. Ammar Jassim Muslim Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

types of speed، hormonal، enzymatic، and functional variables، and blood and physical measurements، for 400m freestyle


Achievement has many factors, but knowledge and analysis of the effectiveness and its specialized characteristics facilitate the process of construction, adaptation and improvement of achievement. Therefore, a proposed approach has been prepared by researchers to improve the types of speed and their effects on some chemical and enzymatic and functional variables and the types of speed and blood components. The researchers believe that a lot of coaches  neglect some types of speed or do not give them enough time in the training unit. The researchers used the experimental approach and the sample included competitors  from the youth category  of 400m freestyle race. The experimental variable was implemented on the experimental group for 12 weeks. As for the control group, it was subjected to the traditional approach of the coach and after conducting statistical treatments and reaching  the statistical description of each variable, the researchers concluded that the approach prepared by the researchers has positive effects on the body's functional systems. The improvement occurred in both experimental and control groups in most chemical variables, functional indicators, blood components and speed types after implementing the experimental approach and the traditional approach. .The chemical changes, especially in the growth  of hormone, lactic acid and LDH  after the implementation of the experimental approach is better for the experimental group, which indicates positive changes and adaptations in the body and energy systems. The researchers recommends to emphasize the use of the training approach  prepared by the researchers to develop the types of speed, functional and chemical variables, and achievement in 400 freestyle race and there should be periodic checks on players in all sports.


