Keller`s model in learning shooting skill and its effect on motor fluency and some physical features

انموذج كيلر في تعلم مهارة التصويب واثره على الطلاقة الحركية وبعض الصفات البدنية


  • Prof. Dr.Najat Baqer Mashkour Assistant Iraq. Baghdad University . Girls College of Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Keller's model، motor fluency، shooting


The researcher used the Keller` model, which is one of the modern methods for learning skills, including the skill of peaceful shooting, which is one of the important skills in basketball by preparing educational units and by proposing exercises appropriate for the age group as well as  formulating it by Keller`s method. The research aims  to identify the differences between pre tests  and the posttest  in shooting skill of  basketball and some physical features  and for the two groups (experimental and control). The research also aimed at identifying the differences between the pre and post tests in motor  fluency and for the two groups (experimental and control). The researcher used the experimental approach. The original  community  was determined by the Gaza intermediate school for girls. The first stage was identified and one of the section was randomly selected. The research sample consisted of  30 students. The sample was divided into two groups: The experimental group that implements the educational curriculum in  Keller`s model. The second group, the control group that implements the traditional method. The experimental variable was applied on 3/3/2019 until 15/5/2019, with four educational units per week, i.e. (32). After statistically processing the results, the resear

1.Keller`s model is effective for increasing motivation among the research sample, high physical level, and peaceful shooting in basketball

2.It develops the individual's ability to depend on himself and raising  the intellectual level, which increases his motor fluency.

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