The effect of using peer education strategy on acquiring and retaining some types of Shooting in handball

تأثير استخدام استراتيجية تعليم الاقران في اكتساب بعض انواع التصويب بكرة اليد والاحتفاظ بها


  • Assistant Prof. Dr.Moayad Kamal al-Din Izz al-Din Iraq. Duhok University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Assistant Prof. Saadi Omar Youssef Iraq. Duhok University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Assistant Lect. Dlovan Asad Iraq. Duhok University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

peer education strategy، shooting، handball


The research aimed to reveal the effect of using peer education strategy on acquiring some types of handball shooting  and The effect of using peer education strategy in retaining the art of performing some types of handball shooting. The researchers used the experimental approach  due to its suitability for  research nature . The research community was represented by the students of the second academic year at the College of Physical Education at the University of Duhok for the academic year 2018-2019, total 120 students. The research sample consisted of 24 students by (12) students for each group selected randomly after excluding a number of members of the research community for lack of homogeneity with the rest of the sample.The strategy (peer education and the followed  method) was randomly distributed to the research groups. The researchers have set up weekly  teaching plans for the two groups according to the peer education strategy and the proposed method to be taught in the light of the content of the methodological of handball  curriculum book. The teaching plans of the peer education strategy  and followed method  were presented to a group of experts and specialists in the field of teaching methods and handball activity. The program lasted for 3 weeks with two educational units per week for each group, i.e. 6 educational units for each group, the time of one educational unit was 90 minutes. The researchers used the statistical program (SPSS) to process the data of the research and the results showed the superiority of the experimental group that used peer education strategy over the control group that learned using the method  used to acquire the skill of shooting from jumping forward. The experimental group that used the peer education strategy outperformed the test of retaining some types of shooting in hand ball compared to the control group that used the method followed.                                                                                                                                  


