The effect of a proposed educational curriculum using the training method on learning some basic football skills among intermediate school students

تأثير منهج تعليمي مقترح باستخدام الأسلوب التدريبي في تعلم بعض المهارات الأساسية بكرة القدم لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة


  • Assistant .Lect.Farouk Aladdin Iraq. Tikrit University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Shatti Iraq. Tikrit University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

educational curriculum، training method، basic skills، football


The research aims to:

1.Prepare a proposed educational curriculum using the training method on learning some basic football skills among intermediate  school students.

. 2.Identify  the effect of the training method on learning some basic football skills  among intermediate school students.

The researcher used the experimental approach  due to its suitability for research  nature , and the research community was selected in an intentional way that represents Omar bin Jandab Al-Ghaffari Intermediate School for Boys, one of the schools of the Salahuddin Education Directorate for the academic year (2011-2012) due to its proximity and the availability of research procedures requirements, where the research community included students of the first grade of the intermediate Omar Bin Jandab Al-Ghaffari, who are (172) students


