Organizational justice of school administrations from the point of view of male and female teachers of physical education in Nasiriyah District Center

العدالة التنظيمية لإدارات المدارس من وجهة نظر معلمي ومعلمات ومدرسي ومدرسات التربية الرياضية في مركز قضاء الناصرية


  • Manal Hussein Lafta Lect.Dr.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

organizational justice، school administrations


The research significance is summarized in the fact that organizational justice here is the justice that achieves the rights of individuals and makes them feel equal without discrimination and injustice, and it is the embodiment of the values ​​of justice that people seek  in the workplaces and state institutions in general and the educational sector represented by schools in particular. The research  significance is highlighted here  due to  the importance of organizational justice that it is one of the administrative issues as one of the concepts of modern organizational behavior. The research problem lies in the lack of studies that dealt with organizational justice in the sports field, so the researcher found that highlighting organizinational justice and its importance and  identifying its dimensions with school administrations and  identifying the extent of their level with them as it became an imperative necessity that cannot  be neglected because of its impact on ensuring the success and continuity of the school. The research aims to:                                          1.Construct and codify the measure of organizational justice of school administrations from the point of view of  male and female teachers of physical education in  Nasiriyah District Center  and finding standard levels of the scale and applying it to the research sample .The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method. The research sample consisted of (160)  male and female teachers of  physical education in  Nasiriyah District Center. The researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (60) items, and then conducted statistical treatments  through the statistical program (SPSS), and  then results are presented , analyzed and discussed .                     The researcher concluded that  constructing a measure of organizational justice of school administrations from the point of view of male and female teachers of  physical education in  Nasiriyah District Center. The researcher recommended   adopting a measure of organizational justice in other educational institutions, and dealing fairly by school administrations towards the additional efforts made By faculty and work to provide symbolic and moral rewards for that       Key words: organizational justice,  school administrations                                                                    


