Comparison of a number of function values (vertical force - time) in the triple jump of advanced Players

مقارنة عدد من قيم دالة (القوة العمودية - الزمن) في الوثبة الثلاثية للمتقدمين


  • Prof.Dr Ahmed Tawfeeq Al-Janaby
  • Assistant Prof.Dr. Sirwan Karim Abdullah
  • Assistant Lect. Moomtaz Ahmed Ameen



The research aims to:

1.Identify the differences in the number of the values ​​of the function variables (vertical force-time) between (hump, step and jump) in the triple jump.

2.Identify the curve of the function of vertical force - the time and shape of the motor path of the (M.T.K.G) of the tripartite jump in (Hump, step and jump). The sample was selected from  advanced players   who got advanced centers in the clubs and those who represented Iraq in the teams, who currently represent the best level  and are officially registered in the Iraqi Central Athletics Federation ,total (5) hoppers, and in the tripartite jump performance and give them (6) attempts to each hopper according to international law and with the help of the team of assistants and best achievement was selected the for the analysis, Three pads were used to measure The power of the land  reaction. The exploratory and final experiment was conducted for the period (25/4/2011) until 30/6/2011 in the stadium of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Salahaddin – Erbil. The data were statistically treated using: percentage, mean, standard deviation and T test. The researchers used the statistical package program (SPSS)


