effect of aerobic capacity on lipoproteins and some cardiac muscle variables after physical exertion of Basketball players The

تأثير القدرة الهوائية على البروتينات الدهنية وبعض متغيرات العضلة القلبية بعد الجهد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة السلة


  • Lect.Dr. Afrah Rehman Kazem
  • MD Hind Mohamed Amin
  • Eng. The vision of Diaa Hassan




The research objective  was to identify the percentage of lipoproteins and cardiac muscle variables in young basketball players as well as to identify the effect of aerobic capacity on lipoproteins and cardiomyocytes variables. The research hypothesis included  that aerobic capacity affects lipoproteins and cardiac muscle variables after physical exertion. The researchers used the descriptive approach for its suitability for the problem and in a deliberate manner .The researcher defined the community the players of the Diwaniyah Sports Youth  Club Basketball union for the year 2018-2019 ,total  (12) players. The main experiment was conducted on the research sample of (12) basketball players within a period of three days from 15/4/2018 to 18/4/2018.


