The physical and motor abilities of javelin shooters are an estimated distance function for their achievement

القدرات البدنية والحركية لرماة الرمح دالة المسافة التقديرية لإنجازهم


  • Prof.Dr. Mohammed Jassim Al-Yasiri
  • Assistant Lect. Mogdad Abdul Kadhim Rahima



The research aims to identify the most important physical abilities that contribute effectively to achieve the digital achievement  among  young javelin shooters, as well as to show  the actual  relationship between each, and this will inevitably help to know how much the estimated distance to  these shooters achievement .

To achieve all this, the researchers used the descriptive approach in the two survey methods and correlative relationships to solve the research problem.  The research community  consisted of  the emerging  players for the distance of javelin throwing in the province of Najaf, total number is 11 players , 9 of them were randomly selected .Each player was given 6  throwing attempts ,so the total number of sample size was 54 throwing attempts .

After the completion of the test and measurement of the variables studied the results of the research were extracted  through statistical treatment. The researchers concluded the following

- - Extraction of eight measurements on the physical and motor abilities are the most important in the completion of  javelin throwing competition among  emerging players, which are (explosive capacity of the arms, the explosive capacity of the two legs, the characteristic force of the speed of the two legs, the flexibility of the spine, shoulder flexibility, elasticity of the legs, agility, maximum speed) out of  (10)  physical and motor abilities

-There is a significant relationship between the physical and motor abilities of importance ,which the emerging  javelin shooters enjoy  with their completion of the competition

-A predictive equation has been devised for the distance achieved for emerging spearmen according to their physical and motor abilities


