Building and applying the identity crisis scale among handball players

بناء وتطبيق مقياس أزمة الهوية لدى لاعبي كرة اليد


  • Prof.Dr. Khadim Habeeb Abass Assistant



The identity crisis in which the player enters at a stage in his life and by which one  searches for self-identity is one of the qualities of the player's personality,  a sense of the role that leads  to self  emergence and development, which is linked to a number of variables, including psychological, as well as   the  increasing interest of psychological workers in the modern era because of the complexity of life and its variables due to the multiple pressures  on them. The research significance is that the study of the  player`s psychology  contribute to increase their understanding of themselves and to clarify the methods that make completing their personality and remedy the defects and lack of  personality treatment  ,which the player needs , on sound scientific grounds. The research  problem  is that the handball players who have an identity crisis show psychological disorders as they do not know their personality clearly, and therefore , we see them isolated from social life of other players, so they  begin to search for identity whatever or imposed by society, which affects  player`s  psyche . This in turn leads to a loss or failure to achieve results or reaching the advanced stages of the s

Build and apply the measure of identity crisis among handball players in Iraq. 1.

Identify the level of identity crisis among handball players in Iraq..2

The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method on a sample of handball players and their number (221). The researcher concluded that :

 The current scale is able to detect the identity crisis of handball players..1

2.Different players in the degree of identity crisis, where the ratio was the highest average and then followed by the ratio above the average and followed by very high one.

ports team. The research aims to::


