A Teaching curriculum in a mastery technique according to the standards of error in performing some offensive compound skills in basket among students

منهج تعليمي بالأسلوب الاتقاني وفق مقاييس الخطأ في اداء بعض المهارات الهجومية المركبة بكرة السلة للطلاب


  • Assistant Lect. Ahmed Fakhri Yousif




The research aims to identify the impact of  a teaching curriculum in a mastery technique according to the standards of error in  performing  some offensive compound skills  in basket among  students.                                                                  

In light of this, the researcher hypothesized that the teaching curriculum in the mastery technique in measuring  errors in the positive impact and learning some of  offensive compound skills of the students. The experimental method was used to achieve the research objectives .After dividing the sample into two groups , the teaching curriculum was applied ,which is followed by the subject teacher on participants of the control group , whereas  the teaching curriculum in measuring error was applied on the participants of the experimental group .After processing the research data , it was concluded that Implementation of the proposed curriculum by mastery technique has an effective role on developing the offensive compound skills I basketball .In addition, it has been concluded  that the use of measuring error in constructing the teaching curriculum a good way to get a suitable  teaching curriculum for learners ,which will address problems of learning.                               


