Television and sports decision-making in sports institutions


  • Assistant Lect. Sari Tahsin Raishan Iraq. Baghdad University. College of Media
  • Prof. Dr. Ammar Taher Mohammed Iraq. Baghdad University. College of Media


الكلمات المفتاحية:

television، decision-making، sports institutions


The sports crises that Iraq has been suffering from since the eighties are among the important events that occupied the sports street and left a clear impact on the participation of the national teams as a result of the sanctions that Iraq was subjected to because of these crises by the Asian and International Federation supervising sports, where the researcher observed  that there are shortcomings in these sports crises that were dealt with in an unclear manner by the sports programs on satellite channels.                                                                                                                         To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used a questionnaire form in the field side, which included identifying the research with a sample of decision-makers in sports institutions,  selected according to a specific criterion, represented by all members of the administrative body of sports clubs, members of the councils of Olympic sports federations, members of the opinion body in the Ministry of Youth and Sports and members of the executive office in the Iraqi National Olympic Committee. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher built a questionnaire consisting of three axes. After extracting validity and reliability, it was applied to a sample of (498) respondents selected through a comprehensive inventory.  The research aims to:

. 1.Monitor the patterns of exposure of decision-makers in sports institutions to programs on satellite channels.

2.Investigate the extent to which the media treatment of sports crises reflects on the decision-making of sports of decision-makers.


