The effect of a rehabilitation and treatment program on orthopedic shoulder injury among some injured players

أثر برنامج علاجي وتأهيلي لإصابة الكتف المتجمد لبعض اللاعبين المصابين


  • Prof. Dr.Tahsin Abdel Karim Amin Assistant



This study aimed to prepare a a rehabilitation and treatment program on orthopedic shoulder injury , and to identify the differences in the effect of the therapeutic and rehabilitation course during the stages of implementation.                                                                             The sample was chosen intentionally of  (12)  athletes with orthopedic shoulder injury,  (9) males and (3) females, and their injuries were caused by various reasons, including  such as  shoulder joint dislocation, fracture of the upper limb bone, or indirectly due to Sleeping in bed for a long time due to an organic disease. The duration of the treatment  and rehabilitation curriculum lasted (12) weeks and included (72) treatment training units distributed by (6) units per week, as the treatment unit began with deep localized heating by thermal radiation  from( 15 to20 ) minutes and then followed by performing treatment  exercises interspersed with relaxing medical massage.                                           

The researcher used the statistical means to process the data, which are  mean, standard deviation and (P) test of Analysis of variance using the repeated measurements method, using the SPSS  version (11.5).                                                                                               The results showed, through flexibility tests, of the affected shoulder joint angles , which are rounding, spacing, excessive stretching, and lifting, which are the main movements in the shoulder joint,  significant differences  between the primary, middle, and middle and final measurements.                  


