Administrative obstacles to colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in the universities of the region of Kurdistan - Iraq from the viewpoint of the teaching staff

المعوقات الادارية لكليات وأقسام التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة بجامعات إقليم


  • Prof. Sirteib Omar Aula
  • Dana Muhammad Muhammad Salih




1.Build a scale for the obstacles facing the administration of colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in the universities of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq from the viewpoint of the teaching staff.

2.Identify the obstacles facing the management of colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in the universities of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq from the viewpoint of the teaching staff.

  1. Identify the differences in the administrative work obstacles in the colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in the universities of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq from the viewpoint of the teaching bodies and the impact of each of the variables (governorate, scientific qualification))

The two researchers used the descriptive method in the survey method to suit the nature and objectives of the current research. The research community was chosen in a deliberate method from the faculty members of all colleges and departments of physical education and sports science in the universities of the Kurdistan Region for the academic year (2018 - 2019) and the number (350).)


