Comparing the percentages of developing Cardio exercises according to the regular time measurement of some volleyball skills and its relationship to accuracy of performance

مقارنة نسب تطور تمرينات الكارديو وفق القياس الزمني المنتظم لبعض المهارات بالكرة الطائرة وعلاقتها بدقة الاداء


  • Assistant Lect. Bahaa Adyab Faisal
  • Lect. Ali Awwad Jabbar



Cardio exercises mainly work in the physiological aspects that reflect their scientific impact on changing mood during the actual application and help to accelerate the learning process through dual performance, especially the junior stage, as it is the stage that provides the national teams with players who have experience, skills and knowledge in the field of volleyball. The research problem is manifested through weakness in the diversity of the skill exercises used, and also that most of them learned according to the traditional methods, that is, which are not interesting for the learner. One of  the research objective  is to apply a set of specialized exercises that track measurement of development percentages according to the regular time period of some volleyball skills, as well as identifying  their relationship with performance accuracy.                                                                           


