The effect of the difference in training complexity time in the private endurance and the maximum consumption and completion of running 800 meters

اثر اختلاف زمن التعقيد التدريبي في التحمل الخاص والحد الاقصى لاستهلاك وانجاز ركض800 متر


  • Prof. Dr.Rahim Ruwaih Habib
  • Prof.Dr. May Ali Aziz
  • Lect. Sinan Abdul Hussain



Since the running activity of 800 meters falls within the mixed system with the anaerobic system overpowering by more than the aerial system, therefore it requires the development of energy systems in proportion to their distances, high performance intensity and their ability to withstand performance as a result of fatigue that occurs during the race. In light of this, the physical and physiological preparation processes for a running activity  of 800 meters should seek through training programs to develop special endurance and aerobic and anaerobic energy systems through their effect on the maximum oxygen consumption in order to perform and endure stress during the race and increase muscle efficiency in endurance which helps delay the onset of Fatigue and  keepan average speed and achieving the best result, and from this standpoint, the research  significance lies in identifying the extent of the impact of special endurance exercises (speed  endurance -  strength endurance ) on the maximum oxygen consumption and the completion of running 800 meters. In order to reach the achievement of the best possible level of achievement ,the study aimed to identify the effect of different intensity exercises on private endurance (VO2max) and running (800) meters. The research sample was randomly chosen from the research community represented by Al-Diwaniya youth club players in athletics in mid-distance runs and ages (18-19) years .The number  is (8) contestants for the sports season (2017 - 2018), and then the researchers conducted the process of homogenization according to the study variables ( speed endurance  -  strength endurance - maximum oxygen consumption - completion of running 800) meters. Through the results, the researchers concluded that there is an effect in the stomach exercises in improving and developing the variables of study and achievement, as significant differences emerged between the pre and post tests in the study variables (speed endurance  - strength  endurance - the maximum oxygen consumption - completion of running 800 meters) and in favor of the post test. The special endurance exercises also led to the development of speed endurance  and the development of strength, which led to the development of achievement, and through this ,the researchers recommend the need to prepare training curricula according to the physiological foundations of the young adults, as well as  identifying the experimental effect of  it in the running of medium and long distances as well as the necessity  of Carrying out physical and physiological tests as indicators to adapt the functional systems and evaluate the training status.


