A comparison of Epor gene forms in some physiological variables among football players

مقارنة أشكال جين Epor في بعض المتغيرات الفسيولوجية لدى لاعبي كرة القدم


  • Assistant Lect.Rana Abdul Wahid Jassim




The study aimed to identify the forms of the EPOR gene for football players in Al-Diwaniyah Sports Club , identify some physiological variables among  football  players in Al-Diwaniyah Sports Club, and  identify the comparison of the forms of the EPOR gene according to some physiological variables among football players in Al-Diwaniyah Sports Club. The community was  determined by the deliberate method,  who are Al-Diwaniyah Governorate Youth Football Club players for the year 2018-2019, and they are (21) players. The research sample was selected (16), where the sample was divided into three groups according to the forms of the genetic gene (EPOR) so that the group that was carrying the gene EPOR reached )) (10) players. The other group did not bear the EPOR gene  (6) and after that the group carrying the gene EPOR)) was divided into three groups according to the gene forms, where the gene carriers (GG) reached (6) players and bearers of the form (GA) (3) players and bearers of the form ( AA) (3) players. Also, before starting the tests, homogeneity was calculated for one group in the measurements: length, weight, and training age. Calculating the homogeneity for one group in the measurements and tests. Viscosity, erythrocytes and pulse were measured. The researcher used the SPSS statistical  package to process the data, through which the mean, standard deviation, torsion coefficient, coefficient of variation and (T) were extracted for the independent samples.                                                                                                        


