The role of sports institutions and organizations in promoting sporting reality in Salah al-Din Governorate from the point of view of their workers

دور المؤسسات والهيئات الرياضية بالنهوض بالواقع الرياضي في محافظة صلاح الدين من وجهة نظر العاملون فيها


  • Assistant Lect. Taha Ghafel Abdullah Al-Taie
  • Lect. Dr. Salem Khalaf Fahd
  • Lect.Dr. Rawa Abdul Karim Farhan



The introduction and the significance of research, which summarizes that the progress of any society is measured, to a large extent, by the amount of interest in providing cultural, scientific, artistic and sporting assignments for its children to reveal their energies, potentials and aspirations to reach the most solid levels that serve the community.

The research also contained the problem, which is the lack of adequate attention from sports institutions, such as sports clubs, youth centers, university and school sports alike, which led to the reluctance of many young men and women from all age groups to practice sports and its various activities.

The research contained the research methodology and its field procedures where the researcher used the descriptive approach in the survey method and the research sample was institutions in Salah Al-Din Governorate and it was approved by administrators and trainers and their number is  (24) people and these institutions are

(Salahuddin Youth and Sports Directorate - Sports Activities Department - Tikrit University - Sports and Scout Activity Directorate)


