Analysis of some kinematic variables of the skill of the back arch on the floor movements of among players of the college team for technical gymnastics

تحليل بعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية لمهارة القوس الخلفي على بساط الحركات الأرضية للاعبات منتخب الكلية للجمناستك الفني


  • Prof.Dr. Sura Jamil Hanna
  • Prof. Dr. Firdous Majeed Amin
  • Prof. Dr. Maher Abdel Latif Aref



Gymnastic sport depends on the mechanical variables, and t the game has the nature of arbitration and biomechanical training, so we see the difficulty that this game contains in addition to having the properties of fitness and the difficulty of performance and technique, so the researchers stated to analyze some biochemical variables of the back arch  skill in order to generalize the variables for teachers in order to develop exercises Suitable for these variables and improving them as it is a way to bring the player to the new and required level.  The research aims  to identify the positions of the body during the stages of performance of the skill of the back arch  on the mat of floor  movements and  identify the kinematic variables of body conditions during the stages of  back arch  skill performance on mat of  the floor movements . The researchers used the descriptive approach and the research sample included five players for the team of the College of Physical Education. The researchers concluded several conclusions, the most important of which was that  Variable angles of the body, height of the center of gravity, and the inclination angles of the body play a major role in the success of the performance of the back arch on the mat of  floor  movements.                                       


