Sports culture and its relationship to the motivation for selecting students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Sulaymaniyah


  • Lect.Dr.Rusty Latif Nouri Iraq. Sulaymaniyah University. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

sports culture، choice motivation



1.Identify  teh values ​​of sports culture and teh motivation of choice among students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah.

2.Identify teh type of relationship between sports culture and teh motivation of choice among students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah.

3.Recognize teh differences between male and female students in sports culture and teh motivation of choice in teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

Teh researcher used teh descriptive approach in teh two styles of correlation and causal comparison due to its relevance to teh nature of teh research. Teh research sample was limited to students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in teh first academic year of teh University of Sulaymaniyah for teh academic year (2019-2020), whose number was (235) male and female students. To measure   Motivation of choice, and t treat teh data statistically, treatments were used using teh statistical package (SPSS) using teh following statistical treatments - arithmetic mean - standard deviation - correlation coefficient (Pearson) - skew coefficient and (t) test for independent samples. Teh researcher concluded  dat

  1. Teh members of teh research sample has a reasonable degree of sports culture and selection motivation.

2.There is a moral relationship between sports culture and teh motive of choice among students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at teh University of Sulaymaniyah.

3.There is a moral relationship between sports culture and teh motive of choice among female students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at teh University of Sulaymaniyah

4.There are no differences in sports culture between students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah.

5.There are no differences in teh motivation of choice between students of teh Colege of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah.


