The effect of dry and sliding cupping massage and manual massage on the motor range of the spine

تأثير تدليك الحجامة الجافة والانزلاقية والتدليك اليدوي على المدى الحركي للعمود الفقري


  • Lect.Dr. Sundus Burhan Adham
  • Lect..Dr. Nagham Salman Kareem



The research includes the introduction, significance, research problem and research objectives which were as follows

  1. Identify the effect of the use of methods (dry cupping massage -sliding cupping massage - manual massage) on the dynamic range of the spine
  2. Identify differences in post-methodological tests (dry cupping massage – sliding cupping massage - manual massage) on the motor range of the spine.
  3. Developing an approach for a proposed massage sessions using methods (dry cupping massage -sliding cupping massage - manual massage) on the dynamic range of the spine.

The researchers chose the experimental method of comparison between several groups and a sample of female students of the third stage / Faculty of Physical Education and sport Sciences, totaling  (36) female students of three experimental groups, subjected to three methods of massage (dry cupping, sliding cupping, manual massage).The pilot study  and  Tests of the pre and posttests were conducted  to identify the effects of these methods on the dynamic range of the spine, as well as  the devices and methods used in the experiment and explain the tests used .Then , the results were statistically processed using  SPSS


