Balance and fitness and their relationship with the accuracy of Epee Stabbing among fencing female players

التوازن والرشاقة وعلاقتهما بدقة الطعن بسلاح الشيش لدى لاعبات المبارزة


  • Prof. Dr. Bushra Kazem
  • Badraa Malik Shehab



The world has recently witnessed a remarkable development in all sciences, including the science of sports training which gives priority to coaches to take care of players according to principles and scientific formulas that lead to achieving the best results in the least effort. The sport of fencing is one of individual sports since the fencing player should have  the  motor ability such as balance and fitness in order to reach the goal of the opponent player and accurately, where the player can achieve advanced results through the possibility of participation  in tournaments at all levels. In order to identify the players training status, tests and measurements should be used since they are the appropriate means to raise the physical, motor and skillful abilities. The research problem is reflected in the weakness of the balance and fitness of the college female students team. So, it is necessary to study this phenomenon because the balance and agility have to do with the accuracy of stabbing and identify the weaknesses points to stand for treatment or avoid errors and work on the evaluation later. The research aims to identify the relationship between balance and fitness with accuracy of Epee stabbing among fencing female students at Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science for Girls.


