Strength Comparison of the ego in terms of predicting emotional equilibrium among the students of Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon

مقارنة قوة الأنا بدلالة التنبؤ بالاتزان الانفعالي لدى طلاب كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة في جامعة بابل


  • Assistant Lect. Bilal Ismael Tahir




The study aimed to design to compare the strength of ego in terms of predicting the emotional equilibrium of among students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. The researcher used the descriptive method for its suitability for the nature of the research. The sample consisted of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, totaling (40 students) by 10 students of each college stage. The data was processed statistically by the statistical program Excel and SPSS .The researcher concluded:

In the light of the results obtained by the researcher, it was found that there were significant differences in favor of the students practicing the emotional equilibrium variable, while the results showed that there were significant differences between the practicing and non-practicing students in the strength variable and for the non-practicing students.In light of the conclusions reached by the researcher within the limits of the sample, the recommendations were as follows:

1- The researcher recommends the need to emphasize the educational and psychological programs that help to develop the personal aspects of students of faculties of physical education and athletes.

2- Starting training camps and scientific trips for students for the purpose of mixing  students from other universities, which increases the personality of the individual and his / her equilibrium . 

3- Investigating the relationship between emotional equilibrium and other variables and the eduction of predictive equations to predict them through variables

4- Conducting similar studies on samples of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences to devise predictive equations to predict emotional equilibrium in terms of Ego strength, and the meaning of other variables.


