The impact of resistance training with and against the motor path in some special physical and biomechanical capacities of the 100 meter race

تأثير تدريب المقاومة مع وضد مسار الحركي في بعض القدرات البدنية والبيوميكانيكية الخاصة بسباق ركض 100 متر للشباب


  • Lect.Dr. Alaa Fouad Saleh Kadouri



The training of running  in different distances and  rubber ropes according to the direction of movement and reversing them together to adhere to the scientific limits of the component Bearing the training which  represents a trend of training aiming at making the development of the link between the starting and running in accordance with the specific mechanical requirements and what follows  of  development of explosive and rapid force the rapid and components  which give  limits for special speed level of the stages of  running 100 m race  and the quantities of the required momentary forces. The researcher observed the repetition of the rapid training led to a motor mode for( 100 m) runners . 

Therefore, this study was designed to develop some solutions by using aids such as rubber ropes for the purpose of achieving integration in physical and mechanical performance. A group of runners of 100 m for young people under the age of 20 years, the researcher conducted the physical tests (test   of 110 m running, 30 m and 60 m and the achievement test) and the frequency and length of steps, and then applied resistance training, and then conducted post-tests. Finally it showed a clear improvement in special physical abilities and Mechanical variables and Running achievement.


