An analytical study of the electrical muscles of the twin and tibia muscles of the two feet at the moment of contact during the jump phase and their relation to throwing the ball to the maximum distance in handball

دراسة تحليلية لكهربائية عضلتي التوأمية والظنبوبية للرجلين في لحظة التماس أثناء مرحلة الوثب وعلاقتها برمي الكرة لأقصى مسافة بكرة اليد


  • Dr. Nada Abdel Salam Sabri Said Assistant Prof



The objective of the study was to conduct an analytical study to identify the electrical muscles of the twin and tibia muscles of the two feet at the moment of contact during the jump phase of handball players and the relationship between the electrical activity indicators of the twin and tibia muscles of the two feet at the moment of the play during the jump phase. The researcher used the descriptive method in the form of correlative relationships on a sample of young players in handball in Aljaish (army) club, (14) players by( 34.146% )of the players of the first class handball in Baghdad for the sports season (2017) in the period from 2/5/2017 to 12/5/2017. After determining the variables of the study and its tests according to the technology of sport using the EMG system with the four-polar Bluetooth transmitter, the results were processed using the SPSS version (V24). The researcher concluded that the top indicators are linked to the electrical signal of the tibia frontal and thoracic lateral muscles to  the right and left legs in a direct relationship with the distance of the throw and  the indicators of the area and time of the electrical signal of the frontal tibia and thoracic muscles in the right and left  leg are linked in a reverse relationship with a  ball throw distance young players in handball.


