The relationship of memory to sensory-motor synergy among students with learning difficulties

علاقة الذاكرة العاملة بالتآزر الحس -حركي للتلاميذ ذوي صعوبات التعلم


  • Prof. Dr. Perivan Abdullah Al-Mufti
  • Lect.Dr. Shahla Ahmed



The concept of learning difficulties refers to a heterogeneous group of individuals within the normal classroom with intermediate or above average intelligence and they show confusion in the basic psychological processes, which are reflected by the apparent divergence between expected achievement and actual achievement in skills. Learning difficulties lead to imbalance, which affect the individual to analyze all that he sees or hears and weakens his ability to connect nerve impulses. These difficulties lead to difficulties in motor synergy or self-control or motor compatibility disorders resulting from weakness in large and small movements and poor correlation between instructional Nerve impulses from the brain and thus lead to difficulties in motor synergy. The motor synergy difficulties are difficulties employing fingers and hand movement during the follow-up to the eye of any linkage between the hand movement and sight, and this is what clearly appears in many of the basic child movements.

The working memory is a buffer for a specific amount of information, with the possibility of converting it and using it to produce new responses through different possibilities of storage and processing functions. The majority of studies aimed to identify  the working memory capacity of children with learning difficulties, The definitions of memory, the storage period, because of this important in the storage of information and recall, since the memory depends on a specific individual remaining  in the working memory, and if not diagnosed and  mitigated early , the proportion of those difficulties will worsen leading to failure. In addition to the fact that this field has not received enough attention compared to its importance and that the studies that linked the motor synergy and the duration of the remaining of the information and the capacity of memory require further studies. Shedding light on this aspect and the research significance is to identify the relationship between working memory with sensory-motor synergy among students with learning disabilities


