The impact of lessons of physical education using alternative tools on the achievement of teaching skills and the development of creative thinking and its relationship to multiple intelligences among practicing students in the Faculty of Physical Educ

اثر دروس التربية الرياضية باستخدام الادوات البديلة على تحصيل المهارات التدريسية وتنمية الفكر الابداعي وعلاقته بالذكاءات المتعددة لدى مطبقي كلية التربية الرياضية بجامعة الموصل


  • Dr. Jamal Shukri Basim
  • , Lect.Dr. Sabah Jassim Mohammed Al Hayali



The research aims to reveal the effect of a proposed program on alternative tools and its impact on the achievement of teaching skills and the development of creative thinking and its relation to multiple intelligences among practicing students in the Faculty of Physical Education at Mosul University, (161)male and female students. The research sample was randomized to 40 students representing H and F. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature and problem of the research. The experimental design consists of equal groups of the same pre and posttest. The experimental group was represented by section (E). The control group was represented by section (f). The equivalence between the two groups was carried out in a number of variables that had to do with the exact experimental control .The prepared program lasted for 6 weeks including   the educational activities using alternative tools which are useful when used in the lessons of physical education and was chosen by the researcher among the main requirements for the lessons of physical education and the need for them and to show their impact on the achievement of teaching skills and their relationship to creative thinking and multiple intelligences among practicing students in  the College of Physical Education


