Factorial construction of morphological evidence as one of the indicators for selecting gifted floor movements in gymnastics Ages (5-6) years


  • Mohamed Sattar Jabbar العراق. جامعة المثنى. كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Matar Arak Iraq. Muthanna University. College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences




factorial construction, morphological evidence, selection indicators, gymnastics


This current research aims to determine the simple factor construction - the factor of morphological indications - for kindergarten children. And selecting the most suitable of them to practice artistic gymnastics, in the light of those factors it is hoped to reach in this research. To achieve this goal, the researchers chose a sample of kindergarten students in the center of Al-Muthanna Governorate, who are at the ages of (5, 6) years, amounting to (300) students. A battery consisting of five movements in artistic gymnastics was applied to them, and after analyzing the results of the battery, using the discriminatory analysis technique, the sample was classified into two parts (distinguished-talented, and non-distinguished-non-talented). The physical measurements of the distinguished were taken to describe the physical indications for them, where (24) physical evidence was nominated for analysis, the correlation matrix of those evidence was analyzed, a factorial analysis (basic components analysis), so it was reached (3) factors, it was rotated obliquely, so it was reached (3) factors as well. In the light of the conditions for accepting the factor, the three factors were accepted, as they were interpreted clearly. I nominated the best saturating evidence to represent these factors, namely:

- The first factor (symptoms and lengths factor): index of elbow breadth (1) and humerus length.

- The second factor (the factor of lengths and symptoms): the index of humerus length and stature.

- The third factor (the length factor): evidence of torso length and stature.

The current research concluded that the factor analysis (the basic components analysis) is a very useful tool in the sciences of physical education, and that it is a technique that helps in the selection process. And that the factor scores can be used to select the gifted, by determining the factor scores for each student, whether they are high or low.

