A survey of the levels of social adaptation of those practicing sports activities in state care homes


  • Hazem Maan Abd Ali Iraq. Dhi Qar University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • , Prof. Dr. Imad Kazem Yasser Iraq. Dhi Qar University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences




social adaptation, sports activities, state care homes


  The role of the orphanage institution includes in its nature many different talents and abilities of a distinct nature in general, in addition to its other aspect, which concerns us in our research, which is sporting excellence. The researcher also noted the lack of scientific research that addressed this social aspect related to sporting events, despite the fact that this category is among The categories that most need realistic study have priorities, including raising the morale of athletes in this category and increasing moral support. The research aims to build a measure of social adaptation for students in state care homes in the southern region, and to identify the level of social adaptation for students in state care homes in the southern region. The research community focused on state welfare homes in the southern region for the academic year 2021-2022, which includes the governorates of (Dhi Qar, Maysan, and Basra), numbering (140) students. The researcher concluded the validity of the social adaptation scale. Prepared by the researchers to measure the social adaptation of students in state care homes who practice sports activities. The sample has different levels of social adaptation based on the results shown by the mathematical circles and standard levels. Practicing sports activities helps students in state care homes to adapt and socialize.

