A comparative study in the embarrassing attitude and motivation of academic achievement in the artistic gymnastics among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science

دراسة مقارنة في الحرج الموقفي ودافع الانجاز الدراسي في الجمناستك الفني بين طالبات كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة


  • Dr. Prevan Abdullah Mufti
  • Dr. Saeed Nizar Saeed
  • Assistant Lect. Hiwa Jalal Saleh




Most of the teachers of the gymnastics used to use the usual teaching methods, and they did not care about the individual differences, especially for the female students. There was little attention to the environmental background of the female students about the gymnastic device and most of female students know nothing about these devices . And through practicing lessons of gymnastics , the female students are surprised to see various of devices and the difficulty of performing skills on those devices. Therefore, it leads them to psychological and embarrassing situations when they are obliged to perform by teachers being a duty to determine the level of success in the school stage  and  these   are called embarrassing attitudes .

The problems that face students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences during the educational process are many, including study, economic, physical, social, psychological and personal  and family problems, which negatively affect their academic achievement, especially in the study of gymnastics because of the difficulty of learning and the performance of his skills. Since guiding students  rely on an understanding of their abilities, needs and aspirations in order to help them solve their problems, and hence the problem of research emerged to identify   the differences embarrassing  attitude and motivation of academic achievement in  artistic gymnastics  among female  students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science. The research aims to identify the differences in embarrassing attitude  and motivation of academic achievement in artistic  gymnastics


