The impact of special exercises on developing the capabilities of balance and motor compatibility and learn the skills of front balance and standing on hands in the technical gymnastics

تأثير تمرينات خاصة في تطوير قدرتي التوازن والتوافق الحركي وتعلم مهارتي الميزان الامامي والوقوف على اليدين في الجمناستك الفني


  • Assistant Lect. Marwa Najem Abd Faris



Technical  gymnastics is one of the basic individual games, and is characterized by a high technical and creative value in the field of showing the  motor performance  techniques , these and other features help the student to learn and master these skills and develop the ability to express emotions and feelings and show the strength of personality, will and imagination. The research aims to:

1.Identify the impact of special exercises on developing   the capabilities of motor  balance and compatibility in the technical gymnastics among female students.

  1. Identify the impact of special exercises on learning the skills of the front balance  and standing on hands  in technical  gymnastic among female students.

The researcher used the experimental method on a sample of parental medium for the number of girls (23) female  students and the sample was selected randomly and divided into two groups (experimental, and control) and test of capabilities was conducted  (balance, motor compatibility) and assessing of  skills performance  of front balance and standing on  hands was also conducted . The researcher used Special exercises in the main section of the educational unit, and after conducting post-tests and obtaining the data processed by appropriate statistical means, the researcher concluded the following:

1.The special exercises developed motor capabilities of fixed balance, and the  motor compatibility of skills in the research skills of the front  balance  and  standing on hands of  the experimental group

2.The normal curriculum without special exercises developed motor capabilities

(balance motor compatibility) and skills of the front  balance and standing on hands  of the control group

