The effect of intensive practice scheduling and distributor on acquiring some basic skills and cognitive achievement in handball

تأثير جدولة الممارسة المكثف والموزع في اكتساب بعض المهارات الاساسية والتحصيل المعرفي بكرة اليد


  • Prof. Dr.Hatam Saber Khoshnaw
  • Assistant Lect .Bland Najat Ali



Scientific progress in all areas of life has a clear impact on the development of these fields, and physical education is an integral part of general education as well as affected by this progress, and this has become evident in the field of physical education research, and researchers in the field of motor learning interested in the process of learning and education and sought to Curriculum development and improvement of its teaching methods and methods at different stages of education

Modern physical education contributes to the development of students ’thinking and creativity, and teaching physical education has a meaning in finding opportunities to encourage students to use their bodies to express their thoughts and feelings through synthesizing motor sentences and thinking of new ways of moving from one place to another in the stadium, and developing students’ abilities to realize different play situations that allow summoning the experiences of previous situations in which they tend, as well as the ability to anticipate competitor responses and develop skills and movements, and provide opportunities for students to think, experiment, and benefit from trying right and wrong.

