The effect of the brainstorming method based on the divergent learning style according to the Kolb model on the acquisition of some basic skills and technical performance in free swimming.


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Shahla Ahmed Abdullah College of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Kirkuk, Iraq



Special exercises, Karen model, Motor coordination, Learning


The research aims to reveal the difference between the brainstorming method based on the divergent learning style according to Kolb’s model and the method used in some basic skills specified in freestyle swimming. The difference between the brainstorming method based on the divergent learning style according to Kolb’s model and the method followed at the level of technical performance in freestyle swimming. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research sample was determined from third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Saladin University. They were divided into two experimental groups that used the divergent method according to Kolb’s model, and the control group used the established method. The research tools included some basic skills and a test of technical performance in freestyle swimming. It was confirmed that there was equality and homogeneity in the variables that play an influential role in the basic skills in freestyle swimming. After completing the application of the educational program and conducting post-tests, the data was processed using appropriate statistical methods, and the researcher reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the superiority of the brainstorming method based on the divergent learning style according to the Kolb model over the method followed in all the basic skills specified in free swimming, as well as the superiority of the brainstorming method. The mental approach based on the divergent learning style according to Kolb’s model is the method followed in the level of technical performance in freestyle swimming.

