The effect of educational units according to the (4mat) strategy on cognitive achievement and learning the technical performance of lifting the net


  • Asst. Lec. Ahmed Abbas Ali Khan College of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Diyala,Iraq
  • Asst. Lec. Fouad Abdel Latif Ghaidan
  • Asst. Lec. Ahmed Qais Hassan



Strategy (4mat), Cognitive Achievement, Technical Performance, Net Level


The importance of the research came from the use of new theories that call for adapting educational situations to the nature of the brain. Among the most prominent of these theories is the theory of brain-based learning and its strategies, especially the 4-mat strategy, and its use in cognitive achievement and learning the artistic performance of the net lift. The research aims to prepare educational units according to the (4mat) strategy and to identify the effect of the educational units according to the (4mat) strategy on cognitive achievement and learning the technical performance of the net lift. The researchers used the experimental method by designing the experimental and control groups to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research community was represented by students of the first stage/College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Diyala, for the academic year (2022 - 2023), as the research community included the students of the first stage, numbering (141) students, and the researchers chose the control group from Division (A), numbering (37). (15) students by lottery, in light of the results obtained by the researchers, the researchers concluded that the educational units are in accordance with the (4mat) strategy in cognitive achievement and learning the technical performance of raising the net.

