The effect of specialized training according to the high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method to developing anaerobic capacity and shooting in youth basketball


  • Lec. Dr. Duea Habib Talab Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology,Iraq.


Specialized Training, High Intensity Interval Training, Anaerobic Capacity.


Specialized basketball training is essential to developing well-rounded, high-performance players. By focusing on skill-specific training, position-specific training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Hence, the importance of research in finding a training method according to the high intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method emerges by alternating between short periods of intense activity and periods of rest or less intense exercises to implement HIIT specialized in basketball training. The research problem is highlighted, and through the researcher’s work and continuous observation of young players, she noticed that there is a weakness in some physical and skill abilities, especially anaerobic ability and shooting skill when compared to international teams, as shooting is a basic skill in basketball. The experimental method was used on two groups and the pre-tests were determined by anaerobic capacity and some basketball shooting skills. The experimental method was applied to the experimental group using specialized training, the intermittent intensity method. She concluded that using specialized training according to the high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method works to develop anaerobic and shooting skills in young basketball players and recommended using this type of training.

